We had some clementines that were going bad, and I was surprised when I saw that Peter had lined them up to freeze on our back deck instead of throwing them out. Then I figured out what he intended to use them for, and was mightily amused.
I'm offering homemade toffee or bread--your choice-- to whoever is first to correctly guess what they're for. (Lili, sorry, you don't get to guess since I already told you the story.)
For an orange snowball fight?
For an Orange Julius?
Hey, Laura took mine.
maybe as ice in a scrumptious orangish drink?
Love the blogging world, it keeps me updated with everyone. I'm not the greatest at updating mine but I'll send you an invite.
It's okay, I never would have guessed it ;)
Nope, nope, and nope. But Laura's was the one headed in the right general direction.
As bases to pack snow on for huge snowballs?
Orange with cloves poked into them (whaddya call those? The things the crusaders carried with them because everybody stunk.)?
Bird feeders?
To throw at a public figure?
Target practice for icicle shoot? What's the answer???
Now that Mary changed her commenting format just for me (we never figured out why I couldn't comment) I can finally make my guesses that I'd tried so many times to make:
1. For lawn bowling, lawn croquet, or T-ball with the girls?
2. To put strings through and hang as a mobile?
3. To throw at birds? To throw at annoying neighbor cats?
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